Linear Units with Spindle Drives
Steffan Gärth
Phone: +49 (0) 6659 / 981-773
Fax: +49 (0) 6659 / 981-776
Katja Henkel
Phone: +49 (0) 6659 / 981-744
Fax: +49 (0) 6659 / 981-776
Linear units LES4, LES5 and LES6 with ball screws
For years, the linear units LES series are used in many industries and are highly accurate, proven linear axes with ball screw drives. The linear units are estimated by constructing engineers and are ready to install modules which primarily are used in factory automation, handling technology and light engineering.
The desired lengths up to 3490 mm can be manufactured according to customer specification; special requests such as special motor connections, custom adapter flanges and end processing of the ball screws, and a variable number of slides, let enough freedom for the machine and plant engineers in the construction of their design ideas.
Basis of all linear units LES series are anodized, rigid special aluminum profiles with precision steel shafts for the necessary applications. The feed motion is via ball screws. Different motor types can be used as motor drives.
The isel aluminium shaft slide with ball circuits is used as guide slide. This slide can be replaced by a steel slide in case of higher loads.
The spindle bearing and motor mount are now separated functionally to improve the serviceability; the spindle bearings must not be disassembled to replace the limit switch. The integrated limit switches limit the processing areas of the linear unit. It is possible to use movable external limit switches for the flexible design of the processing areas.
The linear unit LES series are availabe in 3 sizes:
LES 4 = 75 x 75 mm (Direct – and belt drive)
LES 5 = 225 x 75mm (Direct – and belt drive integrated)
LES 6 = 150 x 75 mm (Direct – and belt drive)
A variety of combinations are possible with our linear units LES series: starting from the rectangular connection of two axes as a cross table to more complex 4- and 5-axes assemblies.
Detailed application examples, see the articles.
For technical questions, please contact our sales staff : +49 (0) 6659 / 981-800